Campaigners Lessons

Preparing a lesson for Campaigners and/or Small Group every week may be an absolute joy for you or it may be a daunting task. Either way, I hope these lessons will be helpful to you. Feel free to use them as a starting place in your preperation or recite them to your group word for word!

I will add new lessons regularly. Some of these lessons have coordinating blog posts so that you can have a personal devotional and reflection time on your own and then print the lesson version for your Campaigners group. Doesn’t that sound magical?

Or just print out the lesson if you’re in a hurry – although I know you probably always prepare weeks in advance and never run around like a chicken with your head cut off trying to come up with a lesson. Yeah me too.

I would love to hear your feedback in the comments below or if you have requests for a specific lesson,  reach out to me directly.

Blog Post: Who is Jesus to Us?
Campaigners Lesson: Who is Jesus? 
Description: A list of the characteristics of Jesus and who he is to us along with coordinating scripture references and questions.

Blog Post: Who is the Father to Us?
Campaigners Lesson: Who is the Father? 
Description: A list of the characteristics of God the Father and who he is to us along with coordinating scripture references and questions.

Blog Post: Who is the Holy Spirit to Us?
Campaigners Lesson: Who is the Holy Spirit? 
Description: A list of the characteristics of the Holy Spirit and who he is to us along with coordinating scripture references and questions.

Blog Post: A Letter from God to His Beloved Child
Campaigners Lesson: A Letter from God to His Beloved Child
Description: A letter written from God to us, his beloved child, with scripture references throughout the letter. There is also an introductory piece to the lesson that asks questions and guides the group through the letter.