
Dear Young Life Leader,

First off, let me say that you are my hero. Really and truly, I admire you. You see, anyone can love people that love them back, but you are loving people and often getting very little in return. This is what Jesus does for us, and he said it would be like this for his followers (Matthew 5:46–48).

Leading Campaigners, you will inevitably face discouragement in some form – low attendance (“why am I at this Starbucks alone?”), rabbit trails that go on for days (“what about aliens?”), doubt in your own leadership (“did we get anything accomplished?”), and so on. I have been leading small group Bible studies for 10+ years now, and these things still frustrate me and make me feel insecure.

Please, listen to me: Don’t stop; keep going!  God is moving in his own way and his own timing. Trust him. Lean on him. And never ever give up! I’m so glad Jesus didn’t give up on me.

I would feel privledged to encourage you in any way that I can. Here are a few ways that I might be able to help:

  1. Tips on leading Campaigners
  2. Ready-to-go Campaigners lessons
  3. Reach out to me!

Let’s believe together that God will do something miraculous!


Ashley Signature