If I Can Just _____ Then I’ll Be Happy.

When is it ever enough?

This is a good moment.

I’m currently sitting on the carpet in our living room with the coffee table pulled up close so I can type. My husband is playing a variety of songs on his guitar across from me. Mostly country classics, but some original songs he wrote. My absolute favorite candle is burning. (Although it is a little like I’m burning money because it cost $28.) I’m eating chocolate covered raisins, a personal fav. Also, I’m staring at some gorgeous garden roses my friend Sarah gave me when she asked me to be her Maid of Honor this morning. Technically she asked me to be her Matron of Honor, but I told her if she ever called me that again I’d kill her. What am I, 80?

So, like I said this is a good moment.

I’m trying to soak it in because I haven’t been doing much soaking lately.

One of the biggest lies that I believe is that if I can just __________________ then I’ll be happy.

I tell this to the college girls I mentor all the time. For them it’s: “If I can just get to Christmas break, Spring Break, Summer, past this test, then I’ll be happy. That’s where rest, fulfillment and all my dreams for life will come true!”

For me it’s more: “If I can just buy a house, have more free time, make more money, master this certain aspect of my marriage, get these to-do’s crossed off, then I’ll be happy.”

For many of my friends it’s: “If I can just find a husband, have a baby, have another baby, get my dream job, or progress into this next stage of life, then I’ll be happy.”

And so we all push through.

Instead of stopping and enjoying the present moment that God has given us, we push through with the hopes of tomorrow.

But, tomorrow was not made to hold the weight of all those hopes and dreams.

So, when we…
take the vacation
buy the house
find the husband
land the job
lose the weight
cross off the to-do’s
ace the test
get the raise
have the baby
have the next baby

we’re left unsatisfied.

And maybe a little angry.

We’re mad at Tomorrow. Livid even. “But, you promised, tomorrow! You promised that this was the thing, this was the finish line and that happiness was on the other side!”

The truth is all these things are great. They are strawberries and whip cream on the sponge cake of life. They are beautiful gifts. But, they are not where true fulfillment and joy is found. So, we can’t expect something from them that they were never created to deliver.

Then where do we turn?

Jesus said this about himself:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  -Matthew 11:28-30

And David found his satisfaction in the One who created his soul:

I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you. -Psalm 63:2-5

Prayer: Lord, I will try to go to you and receive your love that is better then life. I will try to stop placing expectations on future goals, possessions, and relationships to fulfill me. I will trust you with where I am at today and not put my hope in tomorrow. I will be thankful for the gifts you have given me – there are so many things I have now that I longed for in the past. Please help me enjoy you and the people around me today. Please help me to believe in my heart what I know to be true: that I am in this current season for a purpose. Amen. 

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

2 thoughts on “If I Can Just _____ Then I’ll Be Happy.

  1. ASHLEY!!!! This is my favorite post yet! And, btw, I am reading this book right now that totally deals w/ this (and I feel like God has been hammering this into me over the past 2 years)… the book is called 1000 gifts and while I'm not really a fan of the lady's writing style, I LOVE the story being told. Anyway, you should totally read it. I just love your blog more everytime I read!

    And I LOVE LOVE that psalm about beholding his power and glory.

    Okay and I love you!

    comment ho

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